Sunday, January 23, 2011

1/23/2011 Kettlebell Training

Workout #4 1/23
1 X 8L/8R OAJ @ 16kg

Jerks with the 16kg are really coming along nicely.

6 Min OAJ @ 12kg (14rpm) rest 5 min
6 Min OAJ @ 12kg (12rpm)

Both fairly easy sets.

5 Min Snatch @ 12kg (14rpm)
As usual, snatching is my hardest. I think that slowly progressing the snatch sets are going to be key. Shoulder was stable.

1 X 30L/30R Swings @ 16kg
I assumed that you meant with the 16kg. Good set.


  1. Looks good!

    Say when will I be seeing you and Mr.Sherman again on the platform?

  2. Thanks, Boris. We will be at Liberty's on 2/5 and at Novi on 3/12? It would be cool to see you at one of those. How's training going?

  3. Training is going well, been posting a few video's of it on my blog.

    I'll be seeing both of you at the IKFF meet in March. Will you be lifting there or just coming out for the fun?

  4. Definitely lifting :). I thought I saw that we can pick two events at the Novi meet. I am planning on biathlon with the 12kg probably and then long cycle if my knee is up to it.
