Saturday, April 17, 2010

Great Lakes Kettlebell Championships 4/17/2010

Results with 20kg: Left: 34 reps Right: 36 reps Time: 10 minutes

It was about a five hour drive up to Traverse City, but I had three days of rest before the competition. This was my first 20kg OALC set in competition and I am quite happy with it. There is room for improvement of course, but it gave me the opportunity to see where I am currently with this bell.

Interestingly, the 16kg and 20kg bell felt similar from a heaviness perspective. What I think helped me is that the fast pace 16kg OALC sets made this set at 7rpm feel slow by comparison.


  1. Nice Job Rachael! CMS is right around the corner!

  2. Nice work! Glad to see the elbow has been getting better and the you're up to the 20kg now.

  3. Thanks, guys. It feels good to be working with the 20kg.
