Friday, December 24, 2010

12/15-20/2010 Kettlebell Training

All the workouts went pretty well. I have been doing snatches first for all the workouts. Would it be better to do the sets in the order that you have written them? Also, on workout #3, I switched out the swings with the 12kg for swings with the 16kg for 30/30. I wouldn’t say that it was easy, but it was easier than I thought that it would be. My knee seems to be holding up. It feels twingy sometimes, but I think that we’re ok for now. Hoping that this will be the magic week where I actually fit four workouts into the week.

Workout #2 12/15
8 min snatch @ 8kg (16-18)
6 min pp @ 12kg (9rpm)
4 min pp @ 12kg (10rpm)
4 min clean @ 12kg (12rpm)

Workout #4 12/19
2 X 6 Min Push Press @ 12kg (8-10rpm)
2 X 6 Min Snatch @ 8kg (16rpm)

Workout #3 12/20
3 X 4 Min Push Press @ 12kg (10rpm) rest 2 min between sets
8 Min Snatch @ 8kg (16rpm)
Swings...12kg? 30/30?

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